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Welcome to the Shinjuku Aikikai homepage

Our dojo was established in 1960.

We value the basic curriculum during rehearsals.

I'm sure everyone from beginners to advanced players will find it fulfilling.

We have a relationship with Indonesia spanning over 25 years.

Anyone can participate in the lessons regardless of nationality.

If you are interested in Aikido, please come for a trial session or a tour.

What is Aikido?

Aikido is a modern martial art created by Morihei Ueshiba, who compiled traditional Japanese martial arts. The aim is to train the mind and body through repeated practice, through friendly competition, without competing with the other person. There are no matches in Aikido. Anyone can practice regardless of age or gender, from children to the elderly.

What is Aikido practice?

  Aikido training is mainly done in form training (*), which involves performing techniques on an opponent who is attacking you. The techniques are mainly throwing techniques and solidifying techniques, and many of them focus on the wrists, elbows, and shoulders. The person receiving the technique must remain ukemi to avoid injury. In addition, during practice, basic movements are performed to focus on well-balanced movements centered on footwork and hips.

*A practice method in which two people work in pairs and take turns performing predetermined techniques.